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1 purplestaterman  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 9:35:37pm

Bob Levine strikes again. Another CAMERA criticism. There doesn't seem to be a CAMERA story that can't be critiqued. How many in a row is that for you? A new hobby maybe? Just because LGF leans to the left doesn't give you free reign to spew your bs unchallenged. As we all know, Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel but for some reason that is not acceptable to many news agencies (among many other individuals). Does AFP - or any other news agency - list New York as the capital of the USA? NYC has better, food, people, sports, etc. And NYC has a good reputation too. No, news agencies do not call NYC the capital of the USA because it isn't. Similarly, Tel Aviv, regardless of its reputation, is NOT the capital of Israel. It never has been and never will be. To deny that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is a nefarious anti-Israel technique used by many that would wish to see Israel disappear. Remove the heart of the people and watch the country whither. It is being tried but it will not go uncontested.

2 freetoken  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 9:45:25pm

re: #1 purplestaterman

Bob Levine strikes again.

Well, good for him.

If you have something productive to add, you certainly have the opportunity.

3 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 9:47:54pm

Now Bob's a crack-smoking anti-Semite? Your first comment and you make an obnoxious personal attack on a member in good standing. I'm sure CAMERA is proud of you. //

4 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 9:58:02pm

re: #2 freetoken

I see he came back and edited out the really nasty personal bits. Got a screenshot.

5 Bob Levin  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 10:55:11pm

re: #1 purplestaterman

Do you work for Camera? If so, how about disabling that bot and talking with us?

I really don't understand this thing about misspelling my name. It's not just you. It's been going on since I moved to this city, which is going on 23 years. I thought it must be some accent that I'm not aware of, but that can't be it in this instance.

Did I deny that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel? My point, there are bigger fish to fry today.

My other point is that that while I agree with Camera's goals, they are going about their business in a most unproductive way, thereby undermining the goals.

Did you get some other meaning from what I wrote, and if so, where did you learn to read? By 'reading', of course, I mean 'understanding'.

Did you miss my post about the editorial by Kenneth Waltz? That was four days ago. That was an example of a media issue that should have been addressed by Camera. And it was addressed in Camera. So....that pretty much decimates your main point:

There doesn't seem to be a CAMERA story that can't be critiqued. How many in a row is that for you?

If the bot posts everyday, then I will too. It's that simple.

6 researchok  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 12:57:49am

re: #1 purplestaterman

So Middle East news coverage is biased. Congratulations on that discovery.

Yes, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. As a sovereign State, Israel has the right to declare her capital to be any place she so designates.

Yes, critics of Israel will do everything they can to de legitimize her.

Yes, defenders of Israel will find every way to de legitimize her critics.

No, Israel is not an ideal state without flaws.

This is the way the game is played.

You have said and done nothing to further the arguments.

Israel's right to exist is not in question. That is only in the minds of her most vicious detractors. Israel exists as a nation because she deserves to exist as a nation. Her actions and contributions as a nation to the global community are every indication of that.

CAMERA's mission to bestow sainthood on Israel is neither necessary nor realistic and serves only to inflame a situation made intolerable by dysfunctional and broken regimes who have in turn broken and rendered entire communities dysfunctional.

No one in his or her right mind will tell you Israel's adversaries are models of healthy and functional states.

CAMERA often does not need to stir an already boiling pot. No amount if biased coverage can fix what is broken.

As I noted, Middle East coverage is highly flawed and has been for decades. It is so broken that even if it were fixed, no one would recognize it.

Bob Levin does a good job at pointing th eissues that really matter, not the mindless drivel that passes for informed comment or Party Line.

7 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 1:14:57am

Israel and Egypt signed their peace treaty in 1979 right? Since the Jerusalem Law was passed on July 30, 1980 is the AFP article wrong in saying the treaty was "signed with Tel Aviv?" I honestly don't know and am trying to understand the argument Camera is making, is it that Jerusalem was considered, by Israel, to be the capital in 1979 or is it that AFP should have retconned the "signed with" statement to reflect the subsequent passage of the law?

8 Obdicut  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 4:56:00am

re: #1 purplestaterman

Bob has also posted Camera stories that he approved of, and garnered support for them.

I disagree with him on many issues, but the idea he is in any way less than supportive of Israel is dumb as shitbricks.

9 lawhawk  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 7:35:15am

re: #7 goddamnedfrank

The Knesset building was built in 1955 on land in West Jerusalem, which never fell into Jordanian hands during the 1948 war for Independence. West Jerusalem has always been the country's capital, though for diplomatic reasons, most countries refuse to consider it the capital and the kerfuffle it would cause when Palestinians claim the same.

The Jerusalem Law of 1980 codifies the fact that Israel's capital is the indivisible city of Jerusalem (West and East Jerusalem), and reinforces the fact that it was captured from Jordan in 1967. The UN essentially considers that to be null and void in part because it goes against the Land for Peace rationale under UN SCR 242 and 338, though Israelis view 242 and 338 as returning something less than all land for peace - in this case Jerusalem.

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